I can’t make mom friends

I’ve been a mom for seven years, I have two kids, and I still haven’t learned how to make mom friends. I am not quite sure why that is. I have other deep connections in my life. I’m lucky enough to be married to a person who truly understands me, is a full partner in parenting and life, and makes me laugh every single day. I have a best friend I’ve known since third grade who can finish my sentences. I have a wonderful family. I even have some incredible online friendships that I hope to turn into in-person friendships one day. But I can’t seem to make mom friends.

I’m not flying completely solo in this motherhood gig. There are several local moms I get along well with and can trust. Some I see often and others rarely, but I know that if I were in need of help, I could call one of these moms and they would help me, just as I would do for them. I truly appreciate these moms in my life and I don’t take these relationships for granted. At this point you may be thinking, THOSE ARE YOUR MOM FRIENDS. And you may be right. These moms are my friends, after all. They are wonderful people and I’m so happy to have them in my life. Maybe my expectations are too high. Maybe this is what adult friendships look like after parenthood.

If so, adult friendship after parenthood sucks. I want more than that. I want the type of friendship that means calling someone up on a Saturday afternoon and getting together to do something that day, not scheduling a playdate for three weeks later. I want the type of friendship that means seeing each other regularly enough that our spouses are friends and our kids are comfortable around each other. I want a real friendship without endless loops of, “we should get together soon.” I want deeper connections that go beyond the mundane struggles of daily life with kids. I want the kind of friendship that involves laughing together, crying together, traveling together, and not feeling the need to clean your house before your friend comes over.

I am sure I am part of the problem. As an introvert who is terrible at small talk, I will never be the life of the party. I have fun with people I know well, but it takes a long time for me to get there. I don’t make new friends easily. I’m selective about who I open up to. I am terrible at “putting myself out there.” I click with relatively few people. I text in complete sentences. I might be too quick to write people off.

I also believe part of the problem is the way we’ve structured modern parenthood. So many of us are isolated in our own homes facing the same problem: lonely parents and lonely kids. We can’t send our kids outside to roam the neighborhood with other kids anymore; instead, we are busy driving them to lessons and playdates in our precious free time. We have little time and opportunity to cultivate friendships with other families. If we do manage to get together with other parents, we are almost guaranteed to have our conversations interrupted every five minutes by a kid needing a snack, a band-aid, or a trip to the potty. We rarely have a chance to go deep even if we are emotionally brave enough to do so.

We also isolate ourselves by turning away from other parents and families because we judge them or fear their judgment. We back away because their rules on screen time are too strict or too lax; because they only feed their kids organic food or their kids eat too much junk food; because they are too tough on their kids or too lenient with them. A little more acceptance of the fact that many different parenting styles result in healthy, competent adults probably wouldn’t kill us.

I’m sure some people out there have adult friendships completely figured out. I don’t. I also don’t think that I am completely alone in being alone. I believe the lack of deep connections is our generation’s version of the “problem that has no name.” Our generation has come a long way since women in the 1950s and 60s who too often felt deeply unhappy and dissatisfied with their lives as housewives. That doesn’t describe us. We’ve built careers. We’ve redefined stay-at-home parenthood. We’re not deeply unhappy anymore, but we are lonely. When it comes to friendships in the era of modern parenthood, this can’t be all there is.



13 thoughts on “I can’t make mom friends

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  1. I absolutely LOVE this blog post. I can completely relate as I, too, text in complete sentences and often write people off too soon. I want more out of my adult friendships that seem to only scratch the surface as well. Well done, well done.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I feel like I could have written this post – it sounds exactly like what I’ve experienced. Yes, to the endless scheduling and we’ll have to get togethers (which rarely ever materialize). I too long for a spur of the moment friend who can just hang out, have coffee and chat on a daily/weekly or at least more regular basis. We are soooo lonely here (just me and my son). 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s not easy. Humans tend to thrive most when we can have spontaneous social interactions, but the setup of modern life makes that almost impossible.


  3. Omg I totally relate to this. I’ve been thinking there must be something weird with me as other people i know make friends so easily. Same I have an awesome husband whose my best friend but motherhood has been the loneliest time in my life.


    1. Thank you for weighing in. In many ways we are lucky to be raising children in this age of high survival and lots of conveniences, but we have also isolated ourselves, which I believe is probably the biggest issue we face as modern parents.


  4. I love this too. I feel like I can relate to so many parts of it, except “dad’ not “mom.” I have a terribly difficult time making friends as well and have fallen into so many of these traps. My wife has basically told me “you don’t have enough time for a friendship.” She’s probably right.


    1. Thank you so much. I went back and forth on the title. I wanted something less gender exclusive, but “parent friends” doesn’t quite have the same ring somehow and “I can’t make friends” sounds too pathetic and is also not quite true since I do have a couple of close friends.

      The time part of it is true. Like anything, you get out of something what you put into it, and I do find it difficult to prioritize friendships while also spending a lot of time working, being with my kids, hanging out with my husband, trying to work out sometimes, etc. Most potential friends are in the same boat so it’s doubly hard.


  5. It’s like you are in my head, this is exactly like me (I’m even an Austinite). I miss the type of friendship I had when I was young. Sometimes even fear of rejection or “bothering” someone can keep me from attempting a spontaneous hang out, but in reality maybe others feel the same way I do. Great post.


  6. I completely relate to this! I have one mom friend and we were friends before we had kids and our kids are both boys born 15 days apart! Sounds like the dream mom friend setup, right? Nope, too good to be true. Our relationship definitely changed since having kids. We’re better texting than in person and it makes me sad, but i’m also okay with it if that makes any sense? Hoping as my guy gets older (14 months now) I’ll find some more friends along the way!

    I wish I lived anywhere near you – I think we could be friends!

    A lonely Newfoundlander


    1. A belated reply, but thank you so much! I do think it gets a little easier once your kids get older and the level of supervision required isn’t quite as constant. You can have an uninterrupted conversation sometimes!


  7. As a fellow introvert who is very selective about who to open up to and perhaps too quick to write people off, I really appreciated this post. Modern life was already very isolating, and I had just started therapy with a goal of developing my social skills to hopefully gain new friendships when the virus shutdown hit. Now life is even more isolated, and I don’t have the answer but it’s nice to not be alone.


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