You can homeschool in less than two hours per day

When someone first envisions homeschooling, the first thought is often a family replicating the school environment at home. Lessons start promptly at 8:30am, with children working studiously around the kitchen table until a break for lunch at noon. After the lunch break, lessons continue until 2:30pm. Then the homeschool day is over. But, for a large and growing number of families, homeschooling looks absolutely nothing like this. For example, homeschooling families who identify as unschoolers make no distinction between living and learning. Children learn from the day they are born. You can’t stop them. Other homeschooling families believe in incorporating some structured academic activities into their days and weeks. Even so, these families tend to have a lot of free time to play, explore, and go on adventures compared to families with children in traditional schools. Homeschoolers are often asked how they have time to do everything. Where does all their time come from? Let’s compare the amount of structured learning taking place during the school year with the time it takes for homeschoolers to accomplish the same thing.


Our local public school district has 181 school days per year. There are also two scheduled half days, bringing the total full school days to 180.

The district also has 14 days of scheduled standardized testing, with each individual student spending no more than 5 days on testing. Let’s assume that our hypothetical school students will spend 5 days in testing and not have their education disrupted by testing on the other days. That brings the number of school days to 175.

Based on my personal experience attending school, I will also subtract the first day of school, the two days before winter break and spring break, and the entire last week of school, as those days are usually spent watching movies, having class parties, and managing a large group of children who are some combination of giddy, exhausted, and hopped up on sugar. That brings us to 165 days per year.


Let’s get down to the daily level. Our elementary schools begin at 7:45am and end at 2:50pm, which makes the day 7 hours and 5 minutes long. Students get half an hour for lunch and half an hour for recess. That leaves 6 hours and 5 minutes of instruction. Nothing gets done in the last 5 minutes of the day, so let’s call it an even 6 hours. 

In our local elementary school’s first grade classrooms, there are five blocks of morning lessons in the four hours before lunch. Subtract 10 minutes for the beginning of the first lesson and transitions between lessons, which includes explaining instructions to a group of 20+ students, handing out supplies, and getting everyone organized. That brings us down to 5 hours and 10 minutes.

After lunch there is another block of academics. We can subtract another 10 minutes for getting organized again after recess, bringing us down to 5 total hours per day.

Next, they have 50 minutes of “specials,” which is usually art, physical education (P.E.), or library time. We already spend several hours at the library each week, so I can subtract that time. My kids also spend at least an hour a day doing art projects and at least another hour or more running around outside, so I’m going to subtract those minutes. That takes us to 4 hours and 10 minutes a day.

The final 20 minutes of the school day are read aloud time. We spend far more than 20 minutes reading together each day, so we can subtract that too. We’ve arrived at a total of 3 hours and 50 minutes of formal academic instruction each day.


To sum up the calculations so far, kids in our local school system are spending 165 days per year engaging in 3 hours and 50 minutes of formal academic instruction. That’s 632.5 hours of instruction per year. We can lop off a few additional hours for morning announcements, school picture day, dealing with crowd management, that half hour lecture every teacher gives the class at some point when they are losing their minds (who can blame them?), the Halloween party, passing out the Valentine’s Day cards, pizza parties for “good behavior,” celebrating birthdays, and so on. If all those things together take an average of one hour per week, in a 36-week school year, that’s 36 more hours gone, bringing the total instruction time to 596.5 hours.

For homeschoolers who have a relaxed lifestyle, the weekend/weekday distinction is not as important as it is for schooling kids. There is no stressful week to recover from. There is no need to catch up on sleep or finally get some time in nature. These things happen throughout the week. When the living and learning divide isn’t so stark, formal lessons can happen throughout the week without much stress. But, even homeschoolers need a break sometimes. Suppose a homeschooling family does a little schoolwork each day of the week, but takes one month off each year without any formal lessons. That leaves 335 out of 365 days.

Fitting 596.5 hours of instruction into 335 days requires 1.78 hours of formal lessons per day. That’s about 1 hour and 47 minutes every day,with an entire month of vacation each year. Let me say that again. ONE HOUR AND 47 MINUTES. You could do an hour in the morning and another hour in the evening. Or double up with 3.5 hours one day and take the next day off.

To replicate the instruction taking place in the school system, you can homeschool in one hour and 47 minutes per day.


Many homeschooling families take this a step further, noting that some of the instruction that happens in school is not particularly efficient. For example, you can spend hours upon hours teaching a young child what a noun or a verb is, with no guarantee that the information will stick, or you could tell them once a few years later when they are interested, and they will remember it forever. It’s also the case that many of the current instructional practices are not empirically validated. For example, lists of spelling words organized by content area vocabulary tend to have only temporary effects. Translation: learning words for spelling tests usually goes in one ear and out the other. On top of that, students who are either ahead of or behind the rest of the class in any given subject will not get much out of some of the lessons in school. Homeschooling allows you to target the learning to YOUR children’s abilities, which makes for much more effective learning.

With the above scenario in mind, you can easily lop off another hour and bring your homeschooling lessons down to about 45 minutes a day. Homeschoolers can spend their free hours learning to play musical instruments, playing sports, cooking, volunteering in the community, reading, watching documentaries, learning a foreign language, spending time with friends and relatives, traveling, taking lessons, or simply relaxing.

With all those opportunities out there and waiting, it’s hard finding the time to go to school.

Special thanks to Monkey Mum Blog for the inspiration.

75 thoughts on “You can homeschool in less than two hours per day

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  1. I’ve danced with the idea of homeschooling or moreso unschooling for a few years now. For some reason I still have this fear I can’t teach them what they need to know and my lack of organization makes it hard to take me serious ha.

    How do you know what should be taught at what age, are you determining that or are you using a curriculum?


    1. I wrote this close to a year ago when we were unschooling my oldest who was kindergarten age. I didn’t worry about any kind of curriculum or standards — my thinking was that what she really needed was time to play with friends, spend time outside, and enjoy reading (being read to). It worked perfectly for us that year. The following year (this year), we decided to start her in an alternative school 3 days/week for first grade. They do follow a currriculum, but there are no tests or grades. She loves it! So for how we are kind of hybrid homeschooling-unschooling-alternative schooling. To make a long story short, I think you can only take things year by year, or maybe even season by season.

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      1. I am homeschooling for the second year and I do about an hour of work 4 times a week and that is about 20 minutes per subject with one filed trip per week.

        Usually we do about 10 minutes reading before bed time. We do light homeschool in the summer so that way I don’t feel the pressure or stress about doing more then 1 hour a day.

        We are practically all day doing some indirect homeschool and it works really well for our life style and that way my child can do sports and free playtime.

        I don’t take breaks because I find it painful to rebuild the routine. So light homeschool year around is perfect for us.


    2. Alisha, I look at what the school in our area tests on at the end of the year and state standards. That’s how I guide what to teach our children. Additionally, most states claim that home schoolers have access to the public school curriculum, which means we parent teachers can borrow their text books!


      1. NO THANKS! the only reason i look to see what public schools are doing is to make sure we are NOT doing that!! 😂 If i was going to follow their crappy mind numbing pointless curriculum and use their texts, then i would be blowing a wonderful opportunity to do something MUCH better


  2. This was exactly what I needed to hear. I question sometimes if I am doing my daughter justice with homeschooling and yet looking at the unschooling perspective has opened my eyes to something greater! Thank you for this wonderful post!


  3. This slowly dawned on me, particularly when a friend with kids brought them over during spring break. “Do they have spring break?” I replied that no, they really don’t. No summer break, no winter break, no weekends…we really are learning all the time, on the kids’ schedule!


    1. This literally makes no sense. Do you think that kids who attend school aren’t learning on spring break, winter break or weekends? Of course they are. Learning happens all the time for all kids with engaged parents. The difference is, this learning is in addition to a structured, formal education, not in place of it.


      1. Exactly — kids learn all the time everywhere. This is why some families choose to unschool with no formal lessons added. But if parents choose to do some formal schooling on top of that, they can accomplish what the public schools do in about a couple hours a day.


      2. You may be confused as to what you are saying, you need to do some research. Homeschooling is not in addition to traditional school, it’s instead of it and works much better on so many levels. For the parent that can make that happen.


  4. hi i just stumbled on to your post doing a bit of research on homeschooling. my husband and i are taking the leap into uncharted territory with our oldest, she quite advanced in her academics in public school but our district refuses to bump kids into higher grades when they show they can handle a bigger challenge. our daughter is going on to 3ed grade this 2018-2019 school year although she is reading at an assessed grade 7 level and her math is somewhere between grades 5-6. and her science is all over the place but she has a massive love of zoology and medical sciences so we decided that home school would be a better fit for her as she wont have to spend as much time waiting on her age equivalent peers to catch up to her. as my husband is not comfortable with the unschooling method we have chosen a Distance learning school that’s a little more open to parents choice on how the teaching happens but has a core curriculum that’s referred to as a guide mostly. i was hoping to find some information on what a typical day of academic study looks like, do you go through all subjects or have them rotate through the week


    1. I bet homeschooling will be a great option for her! We used an unschooling approach for kindergarten, and then for first grade opted for a hybrid model of 3 days/week at an alternative school and the other days at home. On the non-school days we participate in a tiny homeschool co-op one day and do Forest School another day, so our lessons are still very much impromptu. Our friends who use a curriculum tend to do about an hour a day of whatever subject the kid is interested in that day, and their kids are right on track. A great resource for what a typical day looks like for lots of homeschoolers is the group Secular, Eclectic, and Academic (SEA) homeschoolers. You will get lots of great perspectives there!


  5. My two teens and one pre-teen do about two hours per day, four days a week, maximum. We take time off during the mainstream school holidays as well. I am trying to get them into more interest-based learning so Mr 16 watches documentaries on subjects that interest him – he has only been homeschooled since the start of May and he has already mentioned that what he has learned he would never have learned in school!

    We haven’t been homeschooling very long (Miss 14 began halfway through 2017 and Miss 12 began in February this year) but I would recommend it to anyone.

    Sometimes I think we’re not doing enough, but they are much happier, more relaxed, and loving life.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s great to hear! My kids are still in the early elementary years, so I always love to hear what homeschooling looks like for teenagers. My own high school years were ok in that I wasn’t completely miserable and I was prepare for college, but overall so much of what the world has to offer was hidden from us. I hope to expose my kids to much more of the amazing things the world has to offer.

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    2. Lara, I would LOVE to connect with you. I pulled my 14 year old nearly a year ago and my 16 year old decided to hs this year! We also have a toddler. We are doing “a lot” but are looking to switch it up.


    3. How are your kids going now with a year under their belt? I think of homeschooling my 14 YR daughter who HATES the school atmosphere and is very clever, she finds it hard to concentrate in the distracting environment, works at her own pace and finds it tedious to do classes she has no interest in.
      Is it ever ‘too late’ to homeschool?? My son is oping out and getting an apprenticeship next year due to culture in the classrooms…
      Id love to hear your journey!! xxx


      1. Thanks for the comment! We are having a great year. My kids are 8 and 6, so still very young. We’re spending lots of time in nature, and my oldest attends a wilderness school once a week. She loves science and nature, so we find every opportunity to immerse her in that. We also do a little bit of formal academics in that we added a math curriculum this year. My youngest, at 6, still just plays. And we read together a ton.

        I don’t think it’s ever too late to homeschool. The only real criteria are that you have to want to do it, and your kid has to want to do it. If those two things are true, you have 95% of what you need.


    1. Shalieah, I absolutely agree that kids need physical education. My daughter and I go to the “Y” to swim and run during the year.


  6. Many of these kids who only do a couple of hours of school a day are not prepared for college as it is structured and formal. If you homeschool in higher grades this is something to consider.


  7. I’ve been formally homeschooling my 8 yr old son for about 3 years (although he’s been learning at home since birth). Each year has looked different as I’ve adjusted our schedule and curriculum to meet his age and changing needs. We attend Classical Conversations co-open once a week and follow that co-ops weekly guide for what topics to teach. This year I’ve added in more YouTube videos and hands on experiments for science and history to suppliment the books we read. We use a dry erase board for just about everything. When we read about WWI, I laid it out on the white board as we read so we had a visual. I used the Math-u-see curriculum when we first started math at 5 yrs. Math-u-see uses hands on manipulatives. This year I’m switching to Teaching Textbooks, which is an internet based math program since my son has ADHD and he gets more out of the lessons. Every year will look different and our homeschooling day will be different for each of my children. The beauty of homeschooling is that I can tailor each of my kids schooling to meet their needs. They might he ahead or behind in some subjects compared to the public school, but that’s okay. I take it at their pace.


  8. We did preschool with 15 minutes or less of “school” each day. He was reading before he started kindergarten. For middle school it took us about 3 hours (but we didn’t do school on week-ends or when the public schools were on vacation).


    1. That sounds perfect! This is based on a first grade schedule, so I imagine it could take a little longer once you reach the older grades. Three hours a day sounds like a great balance that still leaves plenty of time for other aspects of life. 💗


  9. I love the idea of homeschooling. My kids (primary school age) are of the mindset that they are happy to basically educate themselves and do not lack any initiative in this. The formal school however provides one important thing that I cannot seem to get past – the need for a parent to be at home. The school provides supervision for the children (for better or worse…my jury is still out) which allows me to go to uni and work and my husband to work which neither of us can afford to drop to be physically there at home. If there is any advice or experience in managing homeschooling/unschooling when a family cannot afford for one parent to not work, and cannot easily make big changes such as moving houses, I would love to understand more about how this works.


    1. Yes, that is a huge pro of schooling! It has built in childcare. That is a big reason we switched from homeschooling/unschooling to an alternative school. We are a two career family without a stay at home parent. There are ways to work around that — hire a child care person, swap with another family, work opposite schedules, but they all come with their own set of logistical issues and costs. If you place a high priority on homeschooling because school truly does not work for your kid, then it can be done. If your kid likes school ok, that may be a better option, at least for a while. I know some families are able to take their kids out of school and do more self-directed learning once they are a little older and require less supervision.


  10. I was so worried that our school day wasn’t long enough, 9 am to 1pm. Plus I have anxiety about my boys being behind traditional grades. It’s hard to let go of the public school mentality. I did choose a curriculum with grade levels and both boys are doing almost the same stuff. I actually wish I could have started from the very beginning, from kindergarten. But I guess we are exactly where we are suppose to be!

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  11. I’ve been concerned that perhaps I assign to much. I wish I could post pics of my daily lesson for feedback and suggestions.
    Plus this article says memorizing spelling words does not stay w the student. If that is so then what spelling lessons do stick w the student?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The spelling lessons that stick are the ones that have purpose and are learnt in a real life context. When the text needs to be read and understood then their is a motivation to learn and retain spelling.

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      1. The irony in this comment is too much!! You lose a little credibility when, in your defense of not directly teaching spelling, you misspell a word and use the wrong “there”! haha just messing with you, but seriously…

        Liked by 1 person

  12. We homeschool our daughter (my husband does this and is able to stay home with her). She hated her local public school and asked to be homeschooled in grade 4. He found she was really behind in math and grammar but was at her grade level in other subjects. This year they started grade 4 in late February and finished in early July. They would start around 7:45 AM and often finished by noon. Some days the lessons were harder and so they would work longer (until 2 or 3 PM) but that was not the norm. He would prepare the lesson plans and cover what was needed that day, some days it was easier/faster and other days it took longer. The schedule was flexible. If I was to average out the amount of time they spent per day I would say it was 4 hours during this time period (and they only had 5 months of learning since we pulled her out in February when she was very unhappy) Next year she will have lots of extra time for enrichment since they will start in September. He will decide if it’s going to be a 4 day school schedule or whether they will do school work each day for fewer hours. You have to play it by ear based on your child’s own needs, but agree that you can do the work much faster than traditional schools. Between March break, Christmas break, professional development days, time spent in classroom assemblies and so many other activities that are not learning based, I would estimate our school day contains about 3 hours of actual learning per day. Not sure what we will do when she is older and ready for high school. Our plan is to send her to regular high school, but that might not work.


    1. The numbers of hours spent on formal schooling will definitely vary quite a bit depending on your philosophy and your child. The ability to focus on your kid one-on-one (or even two or three or four on one) makes more efficient lessons!


  13. Nina,
    I think your post has a lot of merit…especially for parents of children in early elementary! I agree that homeschooling has a lot of efficiencies and that school in a school building wastes a lot of time! However, I have now seen your post re-posted in two different homeschool groups. These two groups / members are talking about homeschooling high schoolers. (Or a couple mentioned 7th/8th graders) The comments are along the lines of “See, you can do high school in just 2 hours per day! She does it – so can you!”

    While unschooling vs. a curriculum may change the hours needed, I think most parents and teens would be hard-pressed to adequately do high school in just 2 hours per day, especially doing college prep material. It makes me very sad that people don’t take the time to read your comments where you mentioned it would likely take longer than 2 hours for older grades. 😦


    1. Thanks for the comments. My oldest is only a 3rd grader, so I can’t speak to homeschooling a high schooler, but I suspect they will be doing much more “school” at that age. For one thing, little kids need to play. By the mod teen years, the world of pretend play and imagination is in the past, and cognitive abilities are strong. It’s a great time to dive deep into subjects they love. Hopefully it won’t be a chore, but a passion!


    2. I just graduated my 2nd homeschooled child last weekend and #3 will be done in two years. 2-3 hours a day of work is fine even in high school. The vast majority of my friends with homeschooled teens don’t spend anywhere near 4-5 hrs a day doing school. My oldest went to college and had zero issues handling the work. He didn’t even spend 3 hours a day doing his college work!

      Homeschooling is a more efficient process because you aren’t teaching a whole class. There is no need for a “lecture.” If you use a curriculum, kids go straight to reading the textbook and doing any workbooks which I can quickly check that day. Tests take like 20 minutes since there is no need to still quietly and wait for the whole class to finish.


  14. You could also add to the list of time wasters- riding the school bus. For us rural types, our rides could be up to an hour each way, each day. I think I calculated I spent about 123 DAYS on the school bus until I started driving in the 11th grade or so.


  15. This is an unfortunate generalization. The higher grades can take much longer than that if you want to properly prepare your child for high school or college.

    While I agree with the principle (my kid had a wonderful easy schedule like this in kindergarten into second grade), I think it does homeschooling parents a terrible disservice to make it seem that simple.

    The misconception of “homeschooling simplicity” is why many families drop their kids into public in the late elementary to middle school years.

    The worst I have seen was a parent we gave their kids only 9 days to transition and then dumped them into public right before Thanksgiving. A second terrible incident was a parent who had such difficulty managing her time, she blamed her child and then put him into public as a punishment. Neither of these parents were evil, but they had very unrealistic expectations and some of that is behind too many articles like this.


    1. The title is definitely a simplification, as all titles are. The numbers are based on our local public school’s first grade classrooms. Once kids are in high school the calculations would certainly be very different. By that age kids don’t really live in a world of imagination and play anymore, but hopefully they will have found something they are passionate enough about that they are willing to devote a lot of time and energy to getting better at it. That’s what I imagine “school” will look like as my kids get older, but time will tell!


    2. I properly prepared my son for college with less than 3hrs a day of homeschooling. He started when he was 16 and did quite well. We have many dozens of friends who’ve had the same experience so I’d say that, yes, it can be done.


  16. I hope you aren’t teaching your kids science, as your calculations of how much time spent in school is learning are not particularly scientific. learning at school happens in passive as well as active ways, something which you dismiss entirely.


  17. Thank you for sharing this. I have been homeschooling for six years. My oldest son graduated from public school, my 2nd son completed 6th grade in public school, my daughters completed 4th and 1st, and my youngest has never attended any formal schooling. I have extensive, objective, personal experience with public school and homeschooling. Whether or not anyone agrees with the way you went about your calculations, you are exactly right, especially in elementary grades. For the skeptics, my kids take the California Achievement Test and consistently score 99%, and they are normal kids, not super academically gifted. My youngest is now in 3rd grade and we spend between 1.5 and 2 hours a day sitting at the table doing book work and complete every subject. As the kids get older, it takes longer, but if my 9th grader wanted to seriously apply herself and get it done, she could complete her work in about 3 hours.

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  18. Mom of 9 here. The eldest is 19, youngest is 5. I obviously spent years pregnant and with new babies, which disrupted our schedule. Our eldest started attending a community college full time in 11th grade, and she graduated at the end of high school with an associate’s degree in Web Design and a 3.95 gradepoint (out of 4.) People who say that “high school take a lot longer” are perhaps setting aside the reality that with the older kids, they can teach themselves a lot. I don’t actually teach our older kids a great deal. I organize their lessons, leaving plenty of time for them to pursue their own passions, and am a resource for them when they need help. I’m going to be honest and say that a GREAT deal of what I learned in high school was forgotten right after the test was taken, and I was a diligent student. (I was valedictorian of my class.) Through years of homeschooling, I have concluded that much of what high school students do in public school is a waste of time. They learn it, they lose it. It doesn’t change them. So I don’t have our teens spend a ton of time memorizing facts about history. I work to teach them IDEAS as opposed to memorizing the presidents of the United States. So we talk and teach about racism, about changes due to technology, about medical science and how it has changed life compared to 500 years ago…and so on. I. Love. Homeschooling. I love it. I wish with all my heart that I had been homeschooled. I was not a happy person in public school and homeschooling is a great fit for my personality and our family.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Spot on! One of our goals for homeschooling was the teach the kids not what to learn but HOW to learn. That really served them well once they reached high school and college. My oldest is almost 25 and still loves learning new things.


  19. 🙏🏼🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙏🏼💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 thank you to whoever wrote this!


  20. I’ll add a few more ways that homeschooling is more efficient.

    On any given day as a classroom teacher, when you teach a lesson…

    Some kids are going to pay attention and get things right away.

    Other kids, even if they are listening well, won’t get it the first time, and will need it re-taught a different way.

    And other kids just aren’t paying attention.

    Often children are absent.

    All this means is that more review is necessary as a classroom teacher than as a homeschool teacher (though some review is necessary even in homeschooling), and that some kids are getting more review than they need and others aren’t getting enough before you move on.

    If you’re homeschooling and your child gets it right away, you can realize this quickly and move on. If they don’t understand it you usually can tell and address it right away. If they’re not paying attention you get them on track, or deal with whatever is distracting them and come back to it. If they’re too sick to work, you wait until they are better to continue (in stead of them getting behind or missing something while they are gone).

    So, yeah, homeschooling, unless you actually have as many students as a regular classroom teacher does, is so much more efficient. Class size matters…A LOT.


  21. If what the child is going to college for is something they have a deep interest in it whont matter they will do the necessary work and excel because they can self regulate and self teach. Speaking as someone who was homeschooled through high school while working a part time job. and was honour role in college while working 2 part time jobs. Its motivation and most homeschool children have lots.


  22. This is a super interesting perspective, thanks for sharing!

    I think a big advantage with homeschooling/unschooling as well is that the parents know their children. Parents don’t have to spend 3 weeks at the start of every school year learning about their children’s passions, strengths and learning direction. Teachers often have to learn a lot about their students and the classroom dynamics before they can even begin the teaching and learning. There is often a lot of testing in the classroom to determine where students are at throughout the year, this is not necessary In the same way for children that are homeschooled. So that is potentially many more hours in school that are distributed differently. Plus there are at least 20-30 students in a classroom so the time is also shared between those students. Then at least some of the day dealing with behaviour issues. It’s tough for teachers to fit as much teaching into their time as they are expected to.

    Homeschooling parents are fortunate enough to
    Know what their children are learning daily and whether or not they are happy. When children are at school it can be hard to get a conversation going about what they are learning and what happened in their day. This also means it is much easier for homeschooling families to extend their children’s learning and relate it to their experiences all the time.


  23. I’m so grateful to have stumbled across this. My family is new to the homeschool world, mostly unschooling. With such a crazy work schedule I always wonder if we are squeezing enough ed time into his day and he looks forward more so to the weekend when I’m home and dedicate more time.


  24. Another benefit of homeschooling is the bond that forms with the parent. We have three boys adopted at 7, 8, and 9. They all have developmental disabilities, physical challenges, psychological diagnoses due to trauma, and PTSD. They cannot handle the chaos and sensory overload of public school. In three months of public school (while I recovered from surgery) they didn’t learn a single thing. Nothing! They kept getting suspended, fighting, and otherwise exhibiting fear. When things finally settled down to H S once again, the eldest told me he “hates” school because there are substitutes every other day, classmates get pulled out for special instruction ten minutes into lessons (and the class is disrupted thereby) and there are always lights everywhere. Turns out he was referring to the light-up shoes that are popular in younger grades. In other words, no focus, no relationships, no amount of learning happening at all.


  25. Interesting….. I don’t really agree with the unschooling idea. Just a matter of opinion. Part of it is because I have taught in the public schools for years. But now as I am homeschooling my grandchildren I do see that a full day of school for two children is not necessary. We usually average about 4 hours a day. On Fridays we have co-op so the kids have have socialization with peers their own age. It’s been a wonderful school year. I’m very confident that they have learned far more this year than what they did in the public school setting.


  26. After having a kindergarten teacher last year that told my daughter everything was too hard for her, my daughter believed she wasn’t going to be successful at school. We were very lucky to have a very nurturing and caring first grade teacher who helped rebuild her confidence, but she was still behind in math and reading. The concepts just weren’t clicking for her.

    This past February, her school had a parent involvement day where parents could come shadow their child for the day. That was when I realize how little instruction kids are actually getting in a school day. So much of the day was waiting for the class to be quiet to hear the instructions, waiting for people to follow directions, waiting for the 3 wild boys to stop messing around (again), waiting for folders to be passed out, waiting for everyone to get in line… The heartbreaker was when the kids came inside from recess and the reading intervention teacher rounded up my daughter and 3 other kids and took them right down to the reading room while they still had their winter gear and boots on. When I asked what was going on, I was told that there was no time for them to take off their winter gear or hang up coats due to the tight schedule. No wonder my daughter was always stressed on school days!

    Having the schools close for COVID was the break and eye opener I needed. My daughter’s reading and math have improved so much in the 2 months that she has been home with me. The virtual online learning offered by the school was awful, as an adult I didn’t have the attention span for the dry, boring material, so I started creating my own curriculum for her and I never want to go back. Thank you for verifying what I have been seeing for the past 2 months, homeschooling doesn’t have to take all day, it can be fun, it can be child driven, it can be low stress and children can excel with it.


    1. Christie K
      What curriculum did you use ? I’m looking for a Christian based with some online learning . I have 4 kids in school and prefer not to spend a lot on books if possible


  27. I am somewhat surprised that the Social side of public school is not mentioned. I‘m very Interessed in homeschooling. However, in the first year, academics are not even part of the goals of the school here. My kids are in very diverse classes, both have special needs kids in their class. I think while academically we would do much better at home, These are experiences i cannot replace. Our social circle is, unfortunately, not diverse.


    1. The social side is a great point. I didn’t address it here because covid has thrown a wrench in the ability to meet new people and build networks. It really requires its one article right now.


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